Becoming a Certified Training Provider

The RRN Training Standards set an international benchmark for training in supporting people who are distressed within education, health and social care settings.

The Standards have been endorsed by professional bodies, charities and arm’s length bodies – including Care Quality Commission and Health Education England – and certification against the Standards is a statutory requirement within some settings.

Who is certification for?

Certification is available to training services that deliver to education, health and social care services who support people of all ages, including autistic people, people with learning disabilities, dementia or mental health conditions.

Certification is a statutory requirement for training providers working in certain settings. Please visit the RRN Training Standards - Further Information page for details.

Certification handbook

The RRN Training Standards Certification Scheme Handbook (2019) is available to download here.

Certification provider

The RRN currently licenses Bild Association of Certified Training (BildACT) to certify services as complying with the RRN Training Standards.

A list of certified providers is available to view on the BildACT website.