Certificate in Reducing Restrictive Practices

About the qualification

Applications for Spring 2025 cohort, starting 7 April are now open. Apply by 17 March 2025.

This is the first certificate-level qualification in restraint reduction available in the UK.

It is designed for people providing direct support within services.

Based around the six core strategies of restraint reduction and will enable learners to build an understanding of what capable, least restrictive, person-centred environments are, why they are important, and how to create them.

A human rights focused qualification, co-designed and co-delivered by people with lived experience of restrictive practices, it is an excellent fit with current UK policy. Learners will develop their own holistic restraint reduction plan, tailored for an identified focus person who receives support.

What is involved?

Duration: The time given to complete this course (3 units) is 10 months. There are 180 learning hours in the Certificate.

Credits: The BTEC Level 4 Certificate carries 18 credits.

Delivery: through high-quality, blended e-learning, learning hours involve online self-directed activities, most of which learners can work through at their own pace. Activities include webinars, films, reading, and interactive activities, in addition to practice-based activities including assessments and case studies.

There are also online individual and group tutorials, allowing a chance for discussion, work presentations, and reflection on new knowledge and skills. Regular tutor support will be provided in small groups of up to six learners.

Assessment: Progress will be assessed via offline workplace assignments that allow learners to put their knowledge into direct practice.

What will you learn?

There are three units that learners must complete to gain the Certificate:

  1. Principles of Restrictive Practice Reduction
  • Underpinning theory and knowledge enabling learners to understand the impact of restrictive practice, the range of restrictive practices, and the conditions in which restrictive practices are likely to be used.
  • Introduces the six core strategies of restraint reduction and the human rights context for reducing all restrictive practices. The principle of only using the least restrictive practice will be explored and operationalised throughout the course content.
  • Learners will be able to explain to others, with practice-based examples, how restraints and other restrictive practices can be reduced at individual and service levels.
  • Learners will be able to make informed recommendations that improve quality of life and provide the least restrictive environment.
  1. Providing Capable Environments
  • Provides learners the underpinning knowledge and skills needed to contribute towards implementing capable environments. Capable environments are supportive and enable people to thrive by meeting their physical and psychosocial needs. These environments maintain and enhance quality of life with a focus on support strategies that are associated with the reduction of behaviours that challenge services and can lead to restrictions.
  • Learners will understand and implement a person-centred capable environment, an essential part of any systematic approach towards improving wellbeing for vulnerable people and their carers. Many aspects of capable environments represent good practice that is applicable to all people. If a service is able to meet the needs of a person and provide the support they need to thrive, the likelihood of unnecessary restrictive practices being used – or specialist care and out-of-area placement being needed – is reduced.
  • Also covered: communication and choice, rapport and relationships, sensory preferences, physical and emotional wellbeing, trauma-informed support, low arousal practices, and active support.
  1. Developing a Person-Centred Reduction Plan
  • Provides learners with knowledge and skills needed to audit restrictive practices and develop an individual restrictive practice reduction plan for a focus person. The audit will identify any restrictive practices that are being applied to the focus person and investigate the rationale for them.
  • Using knowledge of the six core strategies of restraint reduction, the learner will develop a person-centred restrictive practice reduction plan. They will implement elements of this reduction plan, evaluate the impact, and consider the results to improve future practice.


For individuals:

RRN member: £799 + VAT
Non-member: £880 + VAT

A cohort (group of six learners from the same organisation who go through the qualification together):

RRN member: £4,794 + VAT
Non-member: £5,280 + VAT


Spring 2025

  • Applications close Monday 17 March 2025.
  • Course starts 7 April 2025, with induction days on 31 March and 4 April.

Autumn 2025

  • Applications close Monday 15 September 2025.
  • Course starts 6 October 2025, with induction days on 2 and 3 October.

Speculative applications for future cohorts are also welcome.

Please note this qualification does not include any curriculum learning linked to technical skills to carry out any restrictive interventions or restraints, therefore it is not certified against the RRN Training Standards. The qualification is not an alternative or replacement for certified training, where this is required.

Contact Us

If you would like to speak to us about any of our qualifications, please contact [email protected]