Focusing on the legal framework, protecting human rights whilst managing isolation and social distancing
Policy, Legislation & Guidance, Webinars
Inequalities and the use of restrictive practices
Restraint Inequalities, Webinars
Maintaining human rights and wellbeing for people who are subject to additional restrictions
Policy, Legislation & Guidance, Restraint Inequalities, Webinars
Promoting a culture of minimal restrictions in a time of increased restriction
About Restraint, Webinars
Reach Out – Learning Disabilities and Autism Buddies Project
Models of Restraint Reduction, People With Lived Experience, Webinars
Reducing restrictive practices in a secure service by using positive behaviour support
Models of Restraint Reduction, Restraint Inequalities, Webinars
Reducing restrictive practices through the No Force First programme
Models of Restraint Reduction, Webinars
Reduction of long-term Psychotropic use for Behaviour Management: The Bermuda experience
Chemical, Data Recording, Webinars
Rights, consent and least restrictive approaches to the Covid19 vaccination rollout
About Restraint, Webinars
Surveillance – a rights-based approach
Health & Social Care, Policy, Legislation & Guidance, Surveillance, Webinars
The impact of organisational climates and cultures on critical incidents and the use of restraints
Blanket Restrictions, Data Recording, Leadership, Other, Webinars
The six core strategies of restraint reduction
Models of Restraint Reduction, Policy, Legislation & Guidance, Webinars
Understanding Key Intervention Components
Data Recording, Models of Restraint Reduction, Webinars
Using data to influence, manage and reduce restrictive practices
Data Recording, Webinars
What’s in a name: seclusion, isolation, long term segregation or solitary confinement?
About Restraint, Webinars
Working alongside people with lived experience to inform restraint reduction planning
People With Lived Experience, Webinars
Working with the Mental Health Act Code of Practice and Mental Capacity Act
Policy, Legislation & Guidance, Webinars