Category Blog

RRN response: 45 years in hospital, BBC investigation

Today, the BBC published a story sharing the heartbreaking experience of Kasibba, an autistic woman with a learning disability who was detained in hospital for 45 years, including an incomprehensible 25 years in solitary confinement, for no medical reason. Kasibba’s…

RRN comment on 15th annual report of NPM

The RRN welcomes the publication of the 15th annual report of the UK’s National Preventive Mechanism (NPM). The report has an important role to play in scrutinising practices of the settings in which people are detained across the UK. Established…

RRN welcomes new Scottish Guidance on Restraint in Schools

Today, the Scottish Government published ‘Included, Engaged and Involved – a relationships and rights-based approach to physical intervention in Scottish schools’ The RRN welcomes the new guidance as a much-needed positive step. Scotland is the first nation in the UK…

Restraint continues to cause harm in UK schools

Today, the BBC published a story detailing appalling experiences of a young Scottish woman attending a special school in the south of England. Leah’s descriptions of her experience of restraint at school and the trauma this caused to her are…

Early bird booking for RRN Conference 2024

We are delighted to share that early bird registration is now open for the 2024 Restraint Reduction Network Conference: Driving change towards a culture of care. Taking place at the Crowne Plaza, Newcastle, on 27-28th November, book your place now…