Download free resources providing guidance on reducing restrictive practices within services.
Discover resources useful to a person with lived experience of restraint or a family carer here.
The RRN strives to provide accurate, well-researched, practical information that is of use to a wide range of stakeholders, including people that work in services and those with lived experience of restraint. Our resources and discussion documents aim to promote best practice in restraint reduction, offering new ideas, suggestions and solutions to improve practice and reduce restraint.
Please note that RRN resources are not intended to constitute legal advice. We update our work and resources as the latest understanding evolves.
8 Types of Restraint
About Restraint, Blanket Restrictions, Chemical, Cultural, Environmental, Mechanical, Other, Physical, Psychological Restraint, Surveillance
Artwork depicting experience of Long Term Segregation and Seclusion
Environmental, People With Lived Experience
Consolidated Six Core Strategies Document – NASMHPD
Models of Restraint Reduction
Focusing on the legal framework, protecting human rights whilst managing isolation and social distancing
Policy, Legislation & Guidance, Webinars
Freedom from coercion, violence and abuse – World Health Organization
Models of Restraint Reduction
Guide to reducing restrictive practice in mental health settings – Mersey Care, 2017
Health & Social Care, International, Policy, Legislation & Guidance
Homes not hospitals video
About Restraint, Blanket Restrictions, Chemical, Cultural, Environmental, Mechanical, Other, People With Lived Experience, Physical, Psychological Restraint, Surveillance
Inequalities and the use of restrictive practices
Restraint Inequalities, Webinars
Interim report: Review of restraint, prolonged seclusion and segregation for people with a mental health problem, a learning disability and or autism – Care Quality Commission 2019
Health & Social Care, Policy, Legislation & Guidance
Legal Support on behalf of relative with a learning Disability
Other, People With Lived Experience
Let’s talk about restraint – Royal College of Nursing, 2008
About Restraint, Other
Maintaining human rights and wellbeing for people who are subject to additional restrictions
Policy, Legislation & Guidance, Restraint Inequalities, Webinars
Mental Health Act focus on restrictive intervention reduction 2018
Models of Restraint Reduction
National Measure of Environmental Restraint
International, Policy, Legislation & Guidance
No Safe Place: Restraint and Seclusion in Scotland’s Schools – Children and Young People’s Commissioner of Scotland, 2018
Children & Young People, Policy, Legislation & Guidance
Positive approaches: reducing restrictive practices in social care
Health & Social Care, Policy, Legislation & Guidance
Positive cultures of care Massachusetts Department of Mental Health
Models of Restraint Reduction
Promoting a culture of minimal restrictions in a time of increased restriction
About Restraint, Webinars
Promoting less restrictive practice – Local Government Association, 2016
International, Policy, Legislation & Guidance
Reach Out – Learning Disabilities and Autism Buddies Project
Models of Restraint Reduction, People With Lived Experience, Webinars
Reducing restrictive intervention of children and young people – CBF
Children & Young People, Policy, Legislation & Guidance
Reducing restrictive practices in a secure service by using positive behaviour support
Models of Restraint Reduction, Restraint Inequalities, Webinars
Reducing restrictive practices through the No Force First programme
Models of Restraint Reduction, Webinars
Reducing the need for restraint and restrictive intervention – HM Government, 2019
Children & Young People, Policy, Legislation & Guidance
Reduction of long-term Psychotropic use for Behaviour Management: The Bermuda experience
Chemical, Data Recording, Webinars
ResTRAIN yourself toolkit – International Journal of Mental Health Nursing
Models of Restraint Reduction
Restraint and Seclusion in School – US Department of Education, 2012
International, Policy, Legislation & Guidance
Restrictive Practices: A Pathway to Elimination – Royal Commission, Australia
International, Policy, Legislation & Guidance
Rights, consent and least restrictive approaches to the Covid19 vaccination rollout
About Restraint, Webinars
RRN Blanket Restrictions resource toolkit
About Restraint, Blanket Restrictions, People With Lived Experience
RRN Guidance for Government Departments 2023: 11 Key Principles to Inform Government Policy
Health & Social Care, Policy, Legislation & Guidance
RRN How I Should Be Cared for in a Mental Health Hospital Resources
Health & Social Care, People With Lived Experience, Policy, Legislation & Guidance
RRN Psychological Restraint Resources
About Restraint, People With Lived Experience, Psychological Restraint
RRN Restraint Inequalities Toolkit
Cultural, People With Lived Experience, Restraint Inequalities
RRN Surveillance Resources
About Restraint, People With Lived Experience, Surveillance
RRN Towards Safer Services
Health & Social Care, Policy, Legislation & Guidance
RRN Training Standards Certification Scheme Handbook
Policy, Legislation & Guidance
School based violence prevention – World Health Organization
Models of Restraint Reduction
Shining a light on seclusion and restraint in schools in Ireland: The experience of children with disabilities and their families – Inclusion Ireland, 2018
Children & Young People, Policy, Legislation & Guidance
STOMP positioning paper – Royal College of Psychiatrists, 2021
About Restraint, Chemical
Surveillance – a rights-based approach
Health & Social Care, Policy, Legislation & Guidance, Surveillance, Webinars
The impact of organisational climates and cultures on critical incidents and the use of restraints
Blanket Restrictions, Data Recording, Leadership, Other, Webinars
The six core strategies of restraint reduction
Models of Restraint Reduction, Policy, Legislation & Guidance, Webinars
Understanding Key Intervention Components
Data Recording, Models of Restraint Reduction, Webinars
Using data to influence, manage and reduce restrictive practices
Data Recording, Webinars
What’s in a name: seclusion, isolation, long term segregation or solitary confinement?
About Restraint, Webinars
Why Do They Hurt? Short film from Early Intervention Project
About Restraint, Physical
Working alongside people with lived experience to inform restraint reduction planning
People With Lived Experience, Webinars
Working with the Mental Health Act Code of Practice and Mental Capacity Act
Policy, Legislation & Guidance, Webinars